Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Screenwriter and Novelist Marguerite Ashton Receives Rave Reviews for Mafia Novel

When asked what gave her the idea for the story, she replied, "I am a big movie fanatic of all genres, but if you were to ask my favorites, it would be mafia and horror. With Taylini, I decided to add a twist that is not included in your usual "mafia stories."

See below for a brief synopsis and a sampling of reviews of Ms. Ashton's book:

Nora Taylini struggles to keep her family together, while her husband fights with his rival Dons. Knowing that he was once best friends with Don Meroni and Don Lamano, Nora feels pressured to maintain her dignity and not exact revenge in the "Old Mafia Fashion." By focusing her attention on their children and stratesizing ways to keep the Taylini dynasty alive, she throws the family into a tail spin.

Nora and Santino stand by one another as they fight to defend their family's good name. A family who once was defined endures emotional and physical pain as they accept the ups and downs that come along with the mafia life they have chosen.

Here is a sampling of the reviews:

Nora and Santino Taylini live in Palermo with their five children. Their lives are complicated by their "mafia" upbringing and their sense of commitment, not only to their biological family, but to their "mafia family."

Typical overbearing parents, they struggle to control the destiny of their children. Sonny and Bobby are determined to choose their own wives, while Rebecca and Bella allow Nora to pick their lifelong mates. Spatterings of "mafia" life including the Dons, the bodyguards and the irate "mafia" wives add color to the story.

Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review

Taylini: A Family Saga is a fast paced drama that takes you right into a mafia family. In this well written story, the reader is taken into, not only the strong family ties, but also the struggles the family must endure.

Sherry Moore, Shadows of the Past.

Writing fiction is one of Marguerite's favorite things to do, along with acting. Last year, she signed with Big Fish Talent located in Colorado. When she is not writing or acting, Ms. Ashton dives into her favorite interests including, yoga, weights, volleyball and ballet. During her down time she loves to watch a good NASCAR, baseball or football game. "Listening to classical or jazz music, brings me to a new level. It opens up my mind."

For updated reviews and current information on her screenwriting, feel free to visit her website at

Pariah - Book Review

"Pariah, written by multi-talented artist and author Timothy Goodwin, is a science fiction, fantasy novel that incorporates some very clear ideas to what is wrong with today’s world. The characters are colorfully portrayed and the battles were very well written.

Eric, the main character, is a victim of an abusive father and endures extreme poverty as a young adult. He is eventually diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and grows into what could be called a normal life. He meets and marries a wonderful woman and her son embraces Eric as his father. Eric loves his life despite the difficulties in finding a good job and unfulfilled dreams to relocate his family to a place where his wife would not suffer from allergies so badly.

Eric becomes involved in a motor vehicle accident and wakes up in a wildly different place called the Itarri. He is later told that this is a space ship and he is light years - and possibly another dimension - from the life he once knew. Everyone on board expects Eric to become someone else when he regains his senses. Seemingly on the brink of insanity, he experiences "fragmentation" – when memories of other lives collide - but eventually works his way back to sanity only to discover that he is actually a clone.

In a desperate attempt to do whatever it takes to return to a time and a life he cherished so dearly, Eric undergoes intensive training. The reader is taken on fantastic space travel and time travel adventures, battles with foes, scenes with gods, demi-gods and an old flame that is incredibly vindictive are good spices for a great read.

At times I found myself confused, but I know from experience that books I have reread many times are those that challenge the mind and intrigue the reader to return. The ending has an interesting twist, which I think readers may suspect early on, but the work is written so well that it will leave them guessing. "

ISBN#:1413713025 Publisher: Publish America, Inc. Author: Timothy Goodwin

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Book Review: Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands

Kiss, Bow, Or Shake Hands: How To Do Business In Sixty Countries
By Terri Morrison, Wayne A. Conaway, George A. Borden, and Hans Koehler

• While in Germany, on business, you meet with your local counterpart. Between your broken German and his textbook English you are able to carry on a fairly well understood conversation. You reach a lull in your talk and to keep the conversation going you ask your friend about his spouse and children. Suddenly, he grows very quiet and a look of anger sweeps across his face. You ask yourself, “Did I mispronounce something? Did I say something wrong?”

• In Ecuador, you engage a street vendor in a lively negotiation for one of the Indian artifacts that he is selling. You grow increasingly uncomfortable as you realize that not even a foot separates you from him; you take that to mean he is interested in you personally. Whenever you took a step backward, he takes one step towards you to close the gap. Alarmed, you break off the conversation suddenly and head back to your hotel hoping that the merchant is not following after you.

• On the streets of Copenhagen, you wait for traffic to thin out so that you may cross the road. A driver slows down and signals for you to proceed. You smile and flash an okay gesture (thumb and forefinger forming a circle) at her and then are surprised by the glaring look of disgust from her.

Each of the above examples shows cultural differences that can occur when traveling outside the United States. “Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries," is a helpful reference for travelers. From Argentina to Greece to Japan, the authors present a work that is both serious and funny, practical and helpful, to assist business travelers as they navigate the cultural maze in the land(s) they are visiting.

The book is a helpful tool that will enhance the globetrotter in brushing up on what to expect before his/her trip abroad. Each featured country has its own chapter and contains the following information:

• Country Background -- History, Type of Government, Language, Religion, and Demographics.

• Cultural Orientation -- Particular Value Systems and Negotiation Strategies.

• Business Practices -- Appointments (When to be punctual and when to be purposely late), Negotiating, and Business Entertainment.

Interspersed throughout are cultural notes that are meant to inform travelers how to present their best foot forward and avoid mistakes like those listed earlier. Now, let’s take a look at the examples mentioned earlier and see what went wrong:

• For Germans, family life and business life are kept separate. Germans will find a way to work family into their conversation if they want to share that information with you (see page 131).

• Ecuadorians, like many South Americans, traditionally stand close to one another when conversing. If you move back, they often will close the gap to maintain their close proximity. In the U.S., we are accustomed to at least a two foot gap between people and consider anything closer as threatening (see page 92).

• Danes, as well as many cultures around the world, take the American “o.k.” gesture to be an obscene or insulting response. Be careful what hand gestures you use abroad -- you may get a very unwelcome response (see page 87).

Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands is published by Adams Media Corporation, 1994, Holbrook, Mass.

Matt is the webmaster for the Corporate Flight Attendant Community at and

Pandemonium - Book Review

"Within the first few pages, I was engrossed and deeply moved by Apina Hrbek’s eloquent writing skills. Tears of compassion were in my eyes at several points in this moving story of survival.

The main character, Edita, was raised by a heartless mother who became twisted after helplessly watching the communist government steal her family’s vast fortune. Her nonconformist father was her only source of comfort and it was from him that she learned about these forbidden things called "choice" and "freedom".

The setting is a land under strict Soviet rule where people are in a constant state of fright and can not afford to trust anyone – not even their own kin. To trust was an invitation for disaster.

The story of their escape to a land of freedom was wrought with circumstances going wrong – and yet it all worked out in the end. Resettling in a place where they must learn new customs, new languages and find employment to support their small family was no easy task for Edita and her husband. Through poverty and displacement, the family struggled to find their dreams and learn how to deal with this new idea - the freedom to make choices.

Pandemonium is certainly an educational book that may be beneficial for children and grand children of immigrants who wish to understand what it was like. It also could serve as a useful reminder to appreciate, protect and expand upon the rights of all mankind."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 1413756670
Author: Apina Hrbek

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Mathew and the Highland Rescue - Book Review

"A stimulating adventure! Sabine Muir has written a wonderful children’s story that can be read many, many times. This is a time-travel, Christian fantasy novel that reminds me a little bit of one of my favorite childhood books, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.

Here, the main character, Mathew, is a young boy growing up under difficulties that are quite uncommon from his piers. Mathew’s father is missing, his mother has begun a new romance and bullying at school weighs heavily upon his young shoulders. Mathew thought he could escape it all during his stay at his Aunt and Uncle’s tranquil family farm. Unexpectedly, Mathew and his cousins are thrown into an adventure when they accidentally enter a mystery gateway into to a world of Kings, Queens, Castles and ghosts.

Sabine Muir’s use of factual, historical legendary characters brought the Canmore Dynasty to life - an era that is quickly fading from all memory. The author’s research and understanding of the historical era is evident in this excellent piece of work. Her fascination with this particular section in time has produced several works of fiction.

‘Mathew and the Highland Rescue’ is only the first in a series of adventure books. A delightful light read for the adventurous and young-of-heart. I look forward to reading her next published work."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 1413759165
Author: Sabine Muir

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Fire in the Ice: Book Review

"An excellent novel that will wring tears of frustration and pain and then tears of joy from the reader.'Fire in the Ice’ is a perfect title for this book.

The passion, confusion and anger that the main character (Deedra) felt, along with her pain over the loss of her parents and the death of her young husband caused her to cover her heart, lock it away and live only through a deep survival mode. (Thus the "Ice".) Encountering Josh, she became filled with fear at what could be her first experiences with real love and true passion and she nearly loathed him for disrupting her carefully constructed world. However, Deedra was not along in her fear of feeling – Josh too lived through a horrendous relationship that left him wary of commitment. Her constant rebuttal was hard on Josh, who was used to getting what he wanted, but his persistence and love released her from her own prison and helped Deedra realize that she had never really lived at all – but only existed. None of Deedra’s journey through her Self was possible without the loyal support of her dear friend, Marcy.

This romance novel had some very steamy parts (the "Fire") that, though not over-used, were certainly so well written that this shy reviewer was blushing furiously while reading them – much to the amusement of my husband!

Katlyn Stewart has done an excellent job pulling the reader into the lives of her characters and feeling their pain and elation. I would not hesitate to pick up another title authored by Katlyn."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 141373278X
Author: Katlyn Stewart

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Druxel Manor - Book Review

"Druxel Manor is a stimulating thriller-mystery-romance novel that keeps the reader guessing. Who do you trust? Everyone seems to know a little something but no one is willing to explain – or rather, what is revealed only creates more confusion.

There are three main characters here. Trevor and Angel are adopted siblings who were raised in a life of the privileged – growing up in a mansion and attending only the best of schools. Angel is a dedicated and driven journalist, while her brother is obsessed with his quest to find their biological parents. Their adopted parents’ insistent warnings to never try to find their real parents and other small clues drove Trevor to find out the truth. In his bones, he knew something was out of place and what he found out put both of their lives at stake.

Suddenly, Angel finds herself thrown into the midst of a mysterious and dangerous adventure – and she has no idea why. Then James arrives, her rescuer and protector – whether she likes it or not - and her undeniable animal attraction to him turns her world upside down. She must decide who to trust and find out the reason for all the things left unexplained.

Tarra Young performed a difficult task in keeping the pace fast and momentum high in this novel. I never knew what was going to happen next – and all my suspicions were wrong in the end. I thought this book was a fun and interesting read and is an excellent choice for readers who enjoy a good mystery."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 1413766242
Author: Tarra Young

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Dark Autumn - Book Review

"Now this could definitely be a movie! Dark Autumn is fantastic action-packed futuristic thriller that had me riveted for days. The energy was kept very high throughout the book.

Occasionally Clint Dunshee’s characters performed seemingly super-human tasks, similar to James Bond or Dirk Pitt. However, the reader is also shown their flaws and the strength of intimate friendships – bonds that are so deep they are willing to risk their lives for them. The abilities of these characters are made more believable because of the incredibly difficult training scenarios the author leads the reader through.

The theme is set in the future when space travel and space science is a part of life. Earth is contacted from another planet when one of the science probes is picked up by alien humans. As it turns out Earth is only one of hundreds of planets with intelligent life, only some were human. Many planets in the universe helped bring Earth’s technology up to par in exchange for the planet’s rich agriculture and minerals. Most planets worked on a good trade relation in relative peace, but the trouble-making Marvonians were on the edge of acceptance. This planet took it upon themselves to steal from Earth and attack their ships within a few light years of Marvon.

The main characters of the book, Alan, Bill, Carrie, Julie and Angela are all highly intelligent youth that are singled out for highly trained positions. Despite their youth and inexperience, they were considered Earth’s only chance to avoid a war with a technologically superior race. Bounty hunters and sabotage plays a part in a deadly scavenger hunt while plans are laid to rescue the hostages held by Marvonians. Earth has a chance to destroy their image of being a young planet and elevate into more sophisticated, honorable one that the other planets can respect and hold trade with more readily.

In order to do this, Earth must play the game carefully and honorably - at the same time the team must eliminate the dangerous problems with Marvon and free the Earthling prisoners before it is too late.

I believe this book deserves the highest ratings and I would recommend it to anyone, anytime, anywhere."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 1413750923
Author: Clint Dunshee

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Alison's Journey: Book Review

"The dedication in this book is a work of poetry in itself. I had a distinct recollection of ‘Sleeping with the Enemy’ when reading this book, but this story has some very unique twists and turns. The characters seemed very real to me – I live in a small town and we are just like that!

Here, we are shown the psychological cycle of the victim of domestic violence (Alison) and her growing awareness that some things can change for the better, trust can be had and given, and faith in inner strength can grow.

Like many who crawl out of hellish conditions, Alison did not do it on her strength alone, but through a few strong, giving individuals who contributed a gesture or a friendship along the way. Yet, most healing of all is to find a new, healthy love and good, solid relationships with others – a most difficult thing for victims of abuse to do. If it was the author’s intent to use the main character to bring depth and understanding into what people go through in situations like these, then she accomplished this goal admirably!

Readers are shown how being rich, good looking and well-educated – having all the benefits one could desire - cannot lead to happiness. Mr. Bruce Cockburn says it best in a song of his which says ‘though chains be of gold, they are chains just the same’.

Amey Tippett has accomplished a work of art with this book. I really felt like I was right there watching the children play during the festivals and feeling the pain and fright of impending danger, and endured the hellish nightmares along with Alison.

This was a fantastic read and I would not hesitate to recommend Alison’s Journey."

ISBN#: 1413740073
Publisher: Publish America Inc
Author: Amey Tippet

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment – Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry. (

Free Ebook Offer: The Story of America: Discovery - Article 3

Quite a lot happened in Europe between 1002AD, when the Vikings hurriedly packed their longships and retreated back to the colder climes of Greenland, and 1492AD, when the Spanish caravels, with Columbus so confident at the helm, accidentally stumbled across the forgotten continent.

The period, collectively known as the Renaissance, saw a general revival of interest in intellectual thought. Science was studied, with fresh experiments conducted and new conclusions drawn, laws were introduced to control the growing populations and to create more stable societies, medicines were used to cure illness and prolong life, astonomers peered farther into the unknown universe, while geographers mapped and plotted the earth.

All of these advances were aided by the invention of the movable type and a working printing press, which for the first time made books and maps easy to produce and allowed knowledge to be readily available to all.

While Spain united to drive out the Moors and the other major European countries generally moved closer to becoming nation states, so the merchants also started to trade with far-off places and in particular with the other main hubbub of civilization, namely the East (principally China, India and Persia).

This trade brought all sorts of attractive items into daily use and it wasn't long before Europe started to thrive on this vital commerce, though events were suddenly brought to a premature halt by the rise of the Muslems in the Middle East who moved to blockade the profitable trade routes.

When Constantinople, the established base of the Christian Byzantium Empire, finally fell to the forces of the Ottaman Turks in 1453, the trade virtually dried up. The merchants were doomed and a continent that had become more or less dependant on this trade suddenly felt the need to find an alternative route to regain access to this lucrative market.

At that time Portugal was the leading maritime nation in Europe, holding vital access to the Atlantic Ocean, the unknown frontier and as a few believed the real key to access the eastern markets. As they started to explore into this ocean they first found tiny chains of islands - Madeira, the Canary Islands, the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands - but they then turned their ships southwards to chart the continent of Africa. The Atlantic was still too big, too unknown, and they decided to play it safe and stick to the coastline. Their plan was to try and get around the tip of Africa and then to access Asia across the Indian Ocean. This was a safe route, making sense on the maps of the time, as to their knowledge the American continent quite simply did not exist.

How things were going to change!

This excerpt is taken from the third chapter of Discovery - The Story of America by Anthony Treasure. This book is already published in the UK (listed on and is due to be published in the US at a later date. For now it is published as an ebook and as a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Discovery Part One is available to download COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE. Three further titles - Discovery Part Two, Colonization Part One and Colonization Part Two are also out as ebooks and can be bought and downloaded from the website. To claim your free ebook today simply visit

Book Summary: Networking For Professional Success

Book Summary:

This article is based on the following book:

Effective Networking for Professional Success: "How to Make the Most of Your Personal Contacts"
by Rupert Hart, Stirling Books, 1997
ISBN 0 949 142 09 3
125 pages

We are all “self-employed” now.

Today there is absolutely no job security. We are living in an age of corporate downsizing, and freelance consultants, or self-employed workers are growing by the day. Networking is one skill you need to practice to get ahead and survive these uncertain times.

Wisdom in a Nutshell:

1. Networking is essential for both new jobs and business contracts.

2. Effective networking is 12 times more effective than answering advertisements

3. Advertising is becoming ineffective except on a large scale.

4. Networking helps you find hidden opportunities and can set you apart from the competition.

5. An indirect approach is better than a direct one. Use someone you know to introduce you to your target contact. Never go straight to your target without a go-between who will put in a good word for you.

6. You can overcome your natural shyness, your fear of using people, and your fear of rejection.

The 3 key networking techniques are:

1. Build a network of partners to keep an open eye and ear for new opportunities for You.

2. Reach targeted individuals in two ways: directly or indirectly.

3. Build visibility by raising your profile. Go to every social gathering you possibly can.

Building your network is an ongoing process. You need to increase your range of contacts constantly.

Planning your campaign:

1. Define your objective

2. Select the right technique

3. Understand that “deal flow” or your number of prospects must be great in order to bag one new business contract.

4. Identify your target

5. Work out your positioning. This is a short statement of what you are about, what you can offer.

6. Think about what you can do for your network partners in exchange for information and contacts.

Building Network partners:

1. Talk to everyone you know about opportunities

2. Clarify what network partners can and will do for you

3. Know which contacts to build into network partners

4. Find those friendly network spiders, those types of people who just seem to know everyone.

5. Use the telephone.

How to grow and refresh your network:

1. Go out of your way to be where people are.

2. Get into the habit of being talkative.

3. Get the contact details of people you meet. Not just exchanging business cards but stapling information like birthdays, anniversaries, hobby clubs, and key information onto their cards.

4. Choose the right method for the right person.

5. Warm up long-cold contacts.

How to find targeted individuals:

1. Focus on what you want to achieve and how people can help you.

2. Use your network partners to find suitable companies.

3. Gather key information on these companies.

4. Figure out who is the one with the power to hire you.

5. Find people connections and common areas of interest.

Reaching targets through network partners:

1. Find and persuade the best partner for your targeted individual.

2. Engineer an introduction.

3. Build word-of-mouth exchanges about yourself.

Reaching targets directly:

1. Decide if you should write a letter or not.

2. Be able to demonstrate your achievements.

3. Have a line ready to get you past the secretary.

4. Act as though you expect to be put through.

5. Be ready to leave a short, persuasive message for the decision-maker.

Your opening line:

1. Be cheerful, confident and straightforward.

2. Exploit connections and recommendations.

3. Mention common interests.

4. Report news of interest to the target.

5. Wait for a response. Know when to shut up.

6. Write down your opening lines before picking up the phone.

How to be visible without really trying:

1. Ask a question at a conference.

2. Make a point in a meeting.

3. Write letters to your industry magazine.

4. Introduce yourself to lots of people at an industry show or ball.

5. Buy people a drink at the bar at a lecture.

6. Discuss a book with an industry leader.

7. Wear bright ties.

8. Make people laugh.

9. Have an opinion on everything. (But keep an open mind)

10. Hand out an unusual business card.

11. Recast your CV to be a little different.

12. Take up an unusual hobby. (But not too unusual)

13. Don’t overlook using the email and Internet to communicate your cause.

About The Author

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla

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Not Just A Shocking Horror Tale: The Surgeon By Tess Gerritsen

The Surgeon grabbed me and kept me reading. The suspense builds with every page. There are no dull moments, no holes in the plot. A serial killer is on the loose in Boston. He enters women’s bedroom windows at night, chloroforms them and takes away the very thing that makes them female. While his victim is awake, tied to her own bed with duct tape, he cuts her with a scalpel, removes her uterus and then slashes her throat. Death comes while the victim watches her own blood spray from her throat. This story is even more chilling than Silence of the Lambs because this killer tells the victim exactly how he will torture and then kill her. He draws death out over several hours while the victim waits alert and in pain.

What sets this novel apart from other thrillers is Gerritsen's skill at bringing her characters to life. This is not just a shocking horror tale. The book opens from the killer’s point of view. The reader understands his thoughts and motives. The terror of a rape survivor, even years after her attack is brilliantly written into Dr. Catherine Cordell’s character, the only victim that lived through the surgeon’s attack two years before this current series of killings. Catharine is virtually unable to function, crippled by terror after it becomes obvious that the surgeon has made the killings personal and Catharine is his target. Through detectives Thomas Moore and Jane Rizzoli, the reader develops an intimate understanding of the intricacies of the Boston Homicide Unit. The heat of Boston is a symbol for the heat between Catherine and detective Moore.

I was pleasantly surprised by the very satisfying ending of this fantastic murder thriller. I highly recommend it for anyone who loves a thrilling read.

Trina Allen left a successful career as a middle school teacher to concentrate on her writing. She is a versatile writer, whose passion is fiction. Her fiction and nonfiction publications have appeared in various magazines such as Education Today, Science Scope, Dana Literary Society, and Thunder Sandwich. She is excited to be finishing Katharine Taylor and the Magic Quilt, a historical fantasy set in 1775 America, for children ages nine to thirteen. When she isn't writing she is spending time with her husband, working out, playing chess or reading and watching thrillers. For more information or to view and discuss her writing visit

Sorat and the Modern Day Evil

“Sorat’s evil will be spread by his infernal army of soulless followers, willing to give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude.”

The above mentioned quote summarizes one of the main themes in Hearne’s political thriller, “Hulagu’s Web”. The book suggests that much of the horror, destruction and mayhem that happen in the contemporary world are explained by the endeavors of Sorat, Lucifer’s terrifying accomplice. It is said that Sorat incarnates every 666 years. 1998 would therefore be the year of his last manifestation. Coincidently, it is the same year that Usama Bin Ladin and his associates publicly declared their Jihad against the West with blatant orders such as “We – with Allah's help – call on every Muslim who believes in Allah and wishes to be rewarded to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.”

In his “Book of Revelation and the Work of the Priest”, Rudolf Steiner describes Abaddon’s attack on humanity. Abaddon (translated ‘destroyer’) is a demonic being born out of the abyss to lead an army of locusts with human-like faces. Rudolf Steiner explains the occult significance of this picture by suggesting that Abaddon’s army consists of human beings who have been completely deprived of their ego. Sorat can rule on Earth by populating the empty shells of such people with the spirits that serve him. This infernal army would subject mankind to trials compared to which all the horrors of the twentieth century would pale. Coincidently again, Abaddon is referred to in Revelation 9-11, the same date that is now synonymous with the destruction of the twin towers and the attack on the pentagon.

Sorat is described as the strongest power against good. To accomplish his desire of destroying the earth, Sorat would manifest his evil in the social evolution. The wars and mass murders of our time are evidence of his corruption.

The fanatism and the everyday hatred of man against man are evils often disguised as religious dedication and nationalism. Sorat would bend people to his will by using the influence of leaders, be them political or religious. Sorat’s alleged power lies in the ability to make followers believe that what they do for their fanatic leaders is right. As David J. Hearne says “the goal of this demon is to strip humans of their souls, egos and all goodness.” Sorat could make horrible acts virtually impossible to eradicate once people become unable to recognize actions as evil.

The video of a hostage being beheaded in Iraq is an example of the horror mankind is subject to. It shows how much influence such a leader can have over others. He would stay back from his disciples, as he directs them to behead the hostage. Whenever the men holding the prisoner looked uncertain, the leader would convince them that what they were doing was the just thing. The scene appears to be a struggle between the leader (persuading) and the followers (resisting). The film shows how the power of evil can pervert people’s senses to such a degree that destruction and horror replace the goodness and compassion in their souls.

The seductive powers of darkness act by using people's vulnerability and weaknesses against them. Terrorists claim their actions are for their love of God. Most of them believe that what they are doing is right. Someone who they see as a prophet or a messenger leads them to believe that they act in God’s will. This messenger is trusted and considered more important than their own lives. Sorat would exploit these people to “give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude,” as mentioned in Hulagu’s Web.

It is difficult to understand why well-intentioned, logically thinking people fall into such traps. How can one induce another to become a suicide bomber willing to die for some obscure cause and kill other innocent people? How can the human mind become so clouded and susceptible to such evil and debasing acts? The answer lies in the fact that many people need something or someone to believe in. Sorat and his progeny would use this weakness to lead those susceptible to their influence. The reasons for their acts are masked, people follow because they need to believe and fail to ask themselves a rational explanation for what they are made to do. Nevertheless, if people saw the true intentions behind these schemes they would not follow. Evil exists as long it disguises itself.

Sorat could only maintain his power by distorting the way people perceive what is good. He would reduce each individual to his level - an entity without soul or conscious. His ultimate objective is to alter the human existence by spreading destruction and misery. Eradicating mercy, benevolence, compassion and humanity (most needed qualities that Christ himself advocated) is the only way Sorat can achieve his goals.

Becherete Adrian (is currently studying management marketing...) believes in the unlimited potential of the human mind and that constant evolution is impossible without striving to understand reality and distinguishing between the meanings of good and evil.

Article Source:

The New Art of War, Tactics, and Power

To rise and flourish in the world, you need to act according to how things really are, and you need to be a good strategist and manager. Most of the tactical information in the world lacks much practical value. However, over the years there have been a few texts written that are infamous for their no holds barred practical content. This includes classics such as Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince, Baltasar Gracian's The Art of World Wisdom, and the works of Han Fei Tzu.

Now author Rodney Ohebsion has taken key ideas and selections from these four texts, made some new variations, additions and condensations, and put everything in a new organization--resulting in a concise "new classic" titled the New Art of War, Tactics, and Power.

Here are some insights from the book:

Overvaluing minor advantages will impede major advantages.

It is dangerous for a ruler to trust others. Anyone who trusts others can be manipulated by others.

A Sage-Ruler institutes a policy where the people have no way to do him wrong, and cannot avoid doing him good. He never relies on them doing him good only by love. It is dangerous to rely on the people doing him good with love. It is safe to rely on their not being able to avoid doing him good.

Most people will submit to authority; very few will be moved by righteousness. ... It is very uncommon to see reverence for benevolence and loyalty to righteousness, and it is rather difficult for one to act thus. ... People will by nature submit to authority. Anyone who seizes authority can easily make people submit.

Do not repeat the exact same tactics just because they have gained you one victory--instead, let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.

Take advantage of any inclinations in mood your enemy has. If he gets frustrated easily, frustrate him. If he is taking it easy, get him in a panic. ... Attack where he is unprepared, and appear where you are not expected.

The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals; hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy. He uses each person according to his capacity, and does not expect each person to be fit for everything.

The wise prince does whatever he can to exercise those things that are inside of his control, and uses what is in his control to be prepared for variations outside of his control.

Live according to the moment--our acts and thoughts and all must be determined by circumstances. Act when you may, because time and tide wait for no one. Do not live by certain fixed rules, nor let your will pledge to fixed conditions, for you may have to drink the water tomorrow that you cast away today. There are some people so absurdly stubborn in error, that they expect all the circumstances of an action should bend to their own eccentric whims, and not vice versa.

If a ruler is constant in giving rewards, and does not grant pardons when giving punishments, and if he makes rewards honorable and punishments disgraceful, then everyone will try hard.

People who lack an understanding of government often preach that "Old methods should never be altered, and accepted customs should not be abandoned." A sage, however, is not decidedly for or against change. All he is interested in is the proper and effective way of ruling. His decision to alter old methods or abandon accepted customs is only based on the criteria of whether or not these old methods and customs are effective right now.

The wise ruler observes what people do, but avoids letting people observe his own motives.

Even if a ruler is excellent, he should not make assumptions about acts. He should intently observe and examine what motivates ministers' actions.

The New Art of War, Tactics, and Power is available for purchase at and other internet book retailers.

Rodney Ohebsion is the author of non-fiction books. His official website is located at

Inspiration for the Fired Soul

You're Fired! is a book that tackles the real story's behind these two little words that pack so much punch.

This is an Ebook that gets people motivated and inspired to take a different approach to being fired. I encourage you to open up about your own experiences. With new story's from the readers, this book will have no end.

Take a look for yourself:

Tristan Becker has re-invented the term "You're Fired!" with motivational words of wisdom and a new outlook on the old term that has impacted so many lives in so many ways. The web site that promotes and distributes the Ebook, takes the reader into consideration in many ways. Getting the readers involved is the main focus of the book as well as the site. Each month will offer a new opportunity for the readers to WIN a day of pampering at the SPA, or one of many other promotions to warm the sences and rejuvenate the soul. Everyone deservers to be pampered, and each month the first One Hundred customers to buy a copy of " You're Fired!" will have the opportunity to do just that.

You can purchase this Ebook through the web site, and tell your own story if you have one to share. More and more people are being fired in today's world; some much so, that the topic is no longer taboo.

The author has a twist of humour that is refreshingly obvious throughout the book, which makes the reader feel at ease and allows for a much better reading experience.

Visit and enjoy.

Tricia Bowers is currently living in Southern Ontario.

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005

Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high,

higher than Niagara Falls and has often been called the Niagara Falls of the West. If water situations get too bad and not adequate snow pack in 03-04. We had heard of talk from David McAlindin of the City of Twin Falls Economic Development Dept.

that he felt comfortable that the water situation is safe and supply good for businesses. They are working hard to help diversify the industries and recruit non-agriculture, cleaner industries. The region grows all kinds of important food items. Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Dairy, Alphalfa, Sheep, Beef, Hay, Grain, Wine, Beans, Wheat, barley, Sweet Corn, Grass Seed, Oats. They need the water. The supply is said to be better than was predicted or feared and that there is more than enough for summer, but this leaves little to spare in case of a mild winter.

The water supply contains arsenic, from natural erosion and also from previous chip manufacturing, Barium, Chromium, Fluoride and Nitrate from excessive fertilizer run off. These are at present levels not in violation, but the NPDES permitting is going into harsher BMPs and enforcement and has caused a few companies, which do food processing to be unable to get permits, costing future jobs; Glandia Foods, Inc. in Gooding.

The local Senators are working on Ethanol to help out and that initiative could be great for ID. McDonalds has been hit by economy and adverse PR from that Bull shit law suit in Canada about people getting fat from eating at Mickey Ds. Recently McDonalds has also called for lessening of Antibiotics, steroids and other growth hormones, which is a little bit of an issue for farmers, since right now with the Beef, Mad Cow, moratorium in Canada some of those cattle come from ID as well as the milk and ID is a huge Dairy State in the Southern area. Learn about the importance of the Dairy industry in the US and in Southern ID; .

Also hurt by the economy and fewer people going out to eat at QSRs, Restaurants are Kraft Foods, McCain Foods (125 people laid off), J.R. Simplot, which closed the Heyburn potato plant and laid off another 50 people at another processing plant. These companies collectively laying off a total of 600 people in the region. Also blamed are the war in Iraq and lessened travel. Paper is a big water user also and Boise Cascade has had other issues with economic issues. Dairy is up about 6-10% over the last year why? Could it be the increase in Starbucks (6000 plus locations) and the crème and milk in the Frappachinos using milk? Yes some is. Also of worry is the NM Case law regarding the minnows and Rio Grande and Heron reservoir, such an issue with low water levels in Idaho would be the same as the Sarbain Oxley issues in the Corporate World, it would be catastrophic for agriculture in South Central Idaho. But all in all things have been good and have had a net gain even with the bad news. Dell has hired 700 people in nine months in Twin Falls. Also hiring have been Home Depot. We talked to a fiber optic multi-plex line installer who could not seem to get a job in his profession and therefore Home Depot gave him a lower level job at $12.00 per hour.

A waste of brain capacity no doubt but certainly enough to live with the cost of living in Twin Falls which is low due to power and water prices really inexpensive. Twin Falls, Jerome and Gooding had substantial growth in housing. One thing that may hurt the area is the move to try to get seniors out of their cars. Elderly are super worried about losing their drivers licensing, it can be a traumatic experience rivaling a lost loved one, meaning their freedom is gone, some would rather just die, it is that serious as I have discussed with many seasoned seniors. They will not be moving into the Gooding Golf Course areas if this persists. But the area is growing. A few of the outskirt cities are not fairing as well. Burley had a recent “Crazy Days” and Regatta Jet Boat Races, which is a good tourist draw to help locals, non-profits and retailers. All in all we saw a lot of good stuff; ISU-Idaho State University is putting in a 50K dollar nursing facility. Which will employ many people. Solo Cup employed an additional 68 people after earlier in the year laying off 100 people. West Farm added 27 people. Davisco hired 10 workers on Monday. Hamilton Manufacturing is hiring 30 additional workers, but they may have a power problem if prices increase?

Teton Wireless is setting up Satellite to WiFi high speed Internet Networks with points throughout the area to help increase the clean industry companies to the area. Kodiak Northwest has got a new snow-removal innovation. And we found many interesting as heck micro market niche manufacturers such as; Golf Swing Aids, Spider Cultivator, Beet Pulp Cattle feed, Plastic Calf Cottages, Yo-yos (seriously, that’s where they make em’), Dome Awnings for homes, Fish Pumps, Basque Smoked Chorizo Sausage (and it is good too), Foam Boxes for Fish, Baler Twine, etc. So there are some strong niches that are helping the area. The Sea Food industry has had a bit of discounting due to the slowing in restaurants, but the Sushi is not any fresher lately. This has hurt the Fresh Trout industry, trout are in nearly all rivers and lakes in ID as well as those, which process the fish in the area. The Local Chamber of Commerce in Twin Falls had done a tremendous job in their recent Hot August Night non-profit fair, where they auctioned a Jeep off, as they profiled local businesses. The Chamber cares about local small businesses. Alamlgated Sugar is buying more 129,000 pound trucks. S and G Produce is Building Warehouses and expanding, over 10% of all the worlds sugar comes from Southern ID. Sugar Beets grow extremely well in ID, better than most anywhere. Gooding also gets in on the non-profit community efforts with events such as the huge “Spuds Festivals.” Wendell and Jerome has had much growth along I-84 than the towns like Buhl, Filer, Castleford, Hagerman.

One issue hurting the region is the Beef import Taxes by the Japanese and things might get tough and they are worried about Mad Cow if it comes to the US. We Japan to knock that off right now and possibly increase tariffs on something they sell us. Meanwhile lots of debate on the WTO issues of genetically modified crops. Super Corn is a good deal for the world. These issues with genetically modified foods and possibly modifying wild weeds into killer weeds is not a good debate since we are talking about corn, not mountain grown Sun Flowers, Pumpkins, Squash, Blue Berries, Cranberry which is grown near native vegetations. We are not talking about rice. They are already growing it all over the world anyway. And we have already modified crops of all types by cross breeding, same thing just slower in number of generations. Hell we modify people the same way by our own “Melting Pot.” Mixing Asian, Hispanic and Middle Easterners in Los Angeles? What’s the difference, Arthur C Clark predicts in his book “3001” we will all be looking quite Asian, which is probably correct seeing as this is how things are going with 3.5 Billion Chinese? The EU and 15 nations are developing criteria and it will probably be where people or consumers have a choice and we will see what they buy? Guaranteed genetically modified will win, people like full fresh looking vegetables and fruit. These issues are putting things in Southern ID at a wait and see point and causing issues with capitalization.

Even so Twin Falls area has had a net gain in jobs, which are non-agriculture. 3750 people went back to work and 3440 lost their jobs in 2003 net gain of 210. It is a slow go, but things are picking up. The increase is mostly due to growth and construction, most of which is box stores in the Twin Falls and the new home construction in Jerome and Gooding. In Pocatello the steel plant laid off 40 people and we are seeing this throughout the North West; Steel Plant Closes in OR.

We are noticing some good downtown renovation on Main street in Twin Falls. On the “Messer Block” they won an award for dedication to Historic preservation. As you know we are excited to see downtown areas revitalize and bring people back to the community and a place to talk and the attitude of hometown meetings seems to be done in conversations with locals and therefore more power to the people and more reasonable and less linear decision making like in the suburbs.

There is a bit of a drug problem there which ranges from 18-40 and has to do with Crystal Meth. But they seem to have a handle on it with a new drug court program to get people o break the addictions, which seems to be working and gets people back to work. Fairly good success rate and better than prisons which is also a big employer outside of Boise area. 86% of the people in that program where between 21-40 and were there for substance abuses with Meth. Others include Weed, LSD, Heroin, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Ecstasy and three time drunk drivers. One person interviewed by the local newspaper said he had a construction job and was back on the right track. Downtown Twin Falls is a bummer to navigate if you are new to the area because if you are looking for a location on Second and Second Street, it could be one of seven corners? Ouch. Even the older locals laughed when the city council wanted to therefore change all the names after the founding fathers of the town and current city leadership? Typical. Either way it is a tough deal, luckily the diagonal streets are not in abundance. Twin Falls has 64,000 population, Jerome 18,400, Gooding 14,000. .

Many cities such as Burley, Burl and others in the area have a zero or negative growth rate. Twin Falls 1.9%, Jerome 1%, Gooding hard to say, guessing 1.6%. The jobs in the area seem to be Retail, services, Farm and Ag and then Professional in that order. White people make up 89%, and the population is just slightly older than in Nampa or Boise and more similar to Lewiston and Pocatello; 45-65 age groups make up 20.9% of population. We also found Carl’s Pressure Washing Supplies in Idaho Falls a superb vendor for assistance and a Landa Steam Cleaner Dealer also.

As far as tourism the Falls are worth seeing and draw in some 530,000 visitors to stay for the day and spend money each year. The major employers we found were The Sugar company with 425 people and growing (literally), Circle A Construction 325, Clear Springs foods 430, Dell 700, Independent Meat 216, Glandia Foods 430, Jerome Cheese 150, Lamb Weston 850, Magic Valley Medical Center 1115, Seastrom Manufacturing 170, Seneca Foods 200, Spears 275, Solo Cup 115. All in all the area has the employment base to drive a strong middle class as this economy continues its climb to a rebounding and strong pounding recovery.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Multi-talented Author Joseph Yakel Releases Both Historical and Comedy Works

Author Joseph Yakel is leading a two-pronged charge to provide his avid readership with worthy materials. After releasing his first family history book in December 2004, he struck again with a comprehensive follow-up research work this month. Making the triple play, Yakel delivered an outrageously funny country boy humor/melodrama book to his collection just weeks ago.

"The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel", ISBN 1-4116-2101-8, details the 19th century memoir of his grand aunt.

Yakel states, "The cultural makeup of Albany's "South End" today is notably different than it was a century ago, in my ancestor's day. Lower Albany of yesteryear was once home to generations of immigrant families, especially those of German descent. Quietly going about their lives, these tight-knit families asked for little, but contributed much to the growth and prosperity of the city they called home."

He went on, "These families socialized and worshipped mainly within the neighborhood corridors along Second Avenue, in and around the South Pearl Street area. While the history of Albany's more prestigious families and areas have been preserved, scant few resources document the South End or its families, and unfortunately, their history has been all but forgotten."

Realizing that South End families have received little recognition for their part in Albany's history, coupled with a frustration by the lack of suitable resources on this area and its families, Yakel decided to do something about it. Using his grand aunt's autograph book as a basis, he wrote the book, "The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel", to bring some of the Albany area history to life, and offer a reference to fellow researchers.

His second release, "The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book", ISBN 1-4116-2715-6, is a tremendous chronology, tracing 350 years of Rheinish German ancestry.

Yakel says, "When the topic of family history comes up, where do you stand? How do you respond when someone asks you where you are from, or when questions about your surname are raised? Do you wish you could give something more than a vague reply, such as, "I grew up around here, and I'm not sure about the name. ..I think it's German"? If so, you aren't alone in your desire."

He continued, "The fact is, most people have a difficult time identifying their lineage much past their grandparents. In most cases, oral history alone is insufficient to traces one's family tree back beyond a couple of generations. One way to determine your history is through your own research, which can be quite frustrating, as well as costly, and excessively time consuming. Or, if you are very lucky, someone has already researched the family for you."

Yakel ended by saying, "The release of this comprehensive reference could be the 'lucky day' for a good number of people. I hope my effort is enjoyed by many."

Joe categorizes his third work, "The Legend of Juggin Joe", ISBN 1-4116-2588-9, as a 'country boy comedy / melodrama’ written with a corresponding country dialogue. Offered as a light-hearted, fun adventure with a feel-good edge, Yakel said he was looking to amuse his audience with something a little different. "This is certainly a step away from genealogy, but I created the Juggin Joe book characters with plenty of research nonetheless, based partly on people and places in my life, stretched out and mixed up with a hint of real-life experiences."

He went on to say, "With Juggin Joe, I wanted to create a funny, but identifiable character, and his own unique 'hook', that would draw readers into his world. Hopefully, I've done that with this comedy adventure, and Joe and the rest of the gang will strike a good chord amongst readers. The world we live in is pretty serious these days. I felt that it was a good time to lighten things up a little, and Juggin Joe is my way of doing that."

Yakel summed up the book by saying, "Through it all, Joe brings his own sense of balance and harmony to the world. Juggin Joe undoubtedly proves that you can take the boy out of the mountain, but you can't take the mountain out of the boy! Discover for yourself that there's a little of Juggin Joe in all of us!"

About the author:
Joseph Yakel worked his way into print back in 1998. His articles have appeared in publications such as Communications Technology, The Pipeline, and Army Reserve Magazine. His articles have also been highlighted on USAWOA Online, USAR Online, and other Internet websites.

Joe offers interested readers free chapter previews of his work, and purchasing details on his website:

He welcomes website visitors to leave comments and book reviews as well, and is available for interview. Contact Joe at:

Introducing a New Web Site

You're Fired is a book that tackles the real stories behind the two little words that pack so much punch.

This is in EBook format.

With new stories from the readers, this book will have no end.

Take a look for yourself:

The site offers a Spa package for the first one hundred buyers and each month a new offer will be posted to all customers. The purpose of this book is to awaken the spirit and recharge the batteries of the entreprenuer inside all of us. This book gives a new forcus on being fired.

Each person deals with such things in unique ways. Tristan Becker has shown us just how unique she has dealt with hearing the works "You're Fired!" And the stories in this bright and spunky book show us how others have dealt with those words in their unique ways.

You can purchase this book through the site and tell your own story if you have one to share. There are more people being fired these days, that the topic has long passed being taboo.

I found the author has a twist of humour that is obvious through out the book which makes the reader feel at ease and allows for a much better reading experience.

But like I said before; don't take my word for it.

Visit and enjoy.

Tricia Bowers is currently living in Southern Ontario

Author Releases Comprehensive Family History Book On The Family of JACKEL, JECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL

When the topic of family history comes up, where do you stand? How do you respond when someone asks you where you are from, or when questions about your surname are raised? Do you wish you could give something more than a vague reply, such as, "I grew up around here, and I'm not sure about the name. ..I think it's German"? If so, you aren't alone in your desire. The fact is, most people have a difficult time identifying their lineage much past their grandparents. In most cases, oral history alone is insufficient to traces one's family tree back beyond a couple of generations. One way to determine your history is through your own research, which can be quite frustrating, as well as costly, and excessively time consuming. Or, if you are very lucky, someone has already researched the family for you. Well, today is your luck day!

Joseph Yakel has done just that in his comprehensive genealogy book, "The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book". All you have to do is read it! Through extensive research, verification, and cross-reference, the lineages of these, and other related families, are traced back a full eight generations to the area of Kreis Kreuznach, Germany. For perspective, that equates to you saying the word "grandfather", with seven "greats" placed in front of it. Impressive! Now then, back to answering those questions of who you are and where you're from. Wouldn't it be nice to say, "I grew up in this area, but my family comes from the Rhineland area of Germany. Our surname was originally spelled JACKEL and JECKEL, but when part of the family emigrated to America in 1847, the name was altered to what we have today. We trace our family tree back to the 1600's." How many people do you know that can say as much in so few words?

Author Joseph Yakel, third generation New Yorker, presents this unique historical account with a keen eye toward detail in every way. After more than five years of extensive research, Yakel said he is excited to finally offer this reference book to others interested in genealogical research. “This book effort was truly a work of love for me. It's the product of an intense desire to re-discover aspects of the JACKEL-JECKEL history that had been obscured by the span of time." He added, "Now that their history has been revealed in print, I expect that the story will continue to evolve. What I have written is much more than a compilation of names, dates and places. Rather, it is the rich, living history of a strong people, who, through the conduct of their own lives, have helped to shape us into the people we are today. And this is why, even at 460-odd pages, I don't consider it a 'done-deal'. There is always more to contribute to the story."

Yakel continued, "The link to our past is surely as important as the link to our future. Our history defines who we are. If you have ever looked in a mirror and asked why you look as you do, or questioned why your family practices a particular faith, or pondered the reason behind a particular medical condition in the family, on some level, you have sought out your family history. Research can answer those questions, and many others. In the end, genealogical research is a way for us to preserve our ancestry for future generations to cherish, and pass on.”

Over 460 pages in length, this chronology is packed full of otherwise unavailable reference materials and information. It contains more than 170 photographs, maps, property indentures, birth, marriage, death and other church records, directory listings, tax rolls, census data, and more. In addition, the book includes sections on German/Prussian history, as well as historical data on the Albany, NY area, where the family re-settled in the mid-19th century. With dozens of names and references fully indexed, Yakel opines that this book may well be the MOST comprehensive work on these particular families ever written.

"The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book” is available in hardcopy or downloadable format, and can be purchased from publishing at:

For additional works by this author, visit:

Book Details:
ISBN: 1-4116-2715-6
Download: PDF (55543 kb)
Printed: 464 pages, 8.5 x 11.0 in., Perfect-bound, 60# white interior paper, black and white interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, full-color (CMYK) exterior
License: Standard Copyright License
Copyright Year: © 2005 Joseph Yakel
Language: English

About the Author:
Among his credits, Joe has three books. He describes two of them as 'serious' genealogy works. The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel (December 2004) details the 19th century memoir of his grand aunt. The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book (March 2005) is a family chronology, tracing 350 years of his Rheinish ancestry. Joe categorizes his third work, The Legend of Juggin Joe (March 2005) as a 'country boy comedy / melodrama’ written with a corresponding country dialogue. First published in 1998, Joe’s articles have appeared in publications such as Communications Technology, The Pipeline, and Army Reserve Magazine. His articles have also been highlighted on USAWOA Online, USAR Online, and other Internet websites.

His books can be previewed and purchased at:

Albany, NY Family History Reference Now Available Thanks To Author Joseph Yakel

"Personal research references, especially for families who once lived in the South End area of Albany, are very difficult to come by", said Yakel. "Lower Albany had a very strong mix of European immigrants, especially Germans, throughout the 19th century. These were spirited, hard working people, that helped to build the city's distinction through their values and all kinds of family run businesses", he explained. "Unfortunately, unlike other parts of the city, such as the Central Avenue thoroughfare and the downtown district of Pearl Street, documentation relative to much of the South End, especially around the Second Avenue area, is far and few between."

He added, "Knowing that others have experienced the same frustration I have felt while trying to find useful research information about the lower Albany area and families, I decided to take a wonderful source of family history I already had in my possession, my grand aunt's autograph book, and make it available to other researchers. The book mentions dozens of surnames and individuals, and it's this kind of personal information that brings family history and genealogical research alive. I'm excited to share this book, and help to preserve the family history of Albany."

Joseph Yakel, third generation Albany native, presents this unique family work with a simple elegance certain to be enjoyed. To start, Joe provides some personal details on the life of his grand aunt, Mary Yakel, and her family. Then, below each original page entry, Joe has added interesting details about each person or family mentioned in the book, if known. Over 30 surnames fully indexed. The cover art and the background images come from the original autograph book cover, and provide warmth as well as symmetry from page to page.

The Yakel family (originally spelled Jackel and Jeckel) hails from the villages of Hergenfeld, Spabrucken and Wallhausen, located in the Kreis Kreuznach, Rhineland area of Germany. Since emigrating to Albany in 1847, the Yakel family has built upon the solid foundation of its Patriarch, Johannes Jeckel, to become well known throughout the Tri-City area.

"The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel" can be purchased directly from Pricing is $9.00, plus any applicable sales tax and shipping charges.

Printed: 75 pages, 8.5 x 11.0 in., Saddle-stitch-bound, 80# white interior paper, black and white interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, full-color (CMYK) exterior
ISBN: 1-4116-2101-8
Copyright Year: © 2004

About the Author:
Among his credits, Joseph Yakel has three books. He describes two of them as 'serious' genealogy works. The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel (December 2004) details the 19th century memoir of his grand aunt. The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book (March 2005) is a family chronology, tracing 350 years of his Rheinish ancestry. Joe categorizes his third work, The Legend of Juggin Joe (March 2005) as a 'country boy comedy / melodrama’ written with a corresponding country dialogue.

First published in 1998, Joe’s articles have appeared in publications such as Communications Technology, The Pipeline, and Army Reserve Magazine. His articles have also been highlighted on USAWOA Online, USAR Online, and other Internet websites.

His books can be previewed and purchased at:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Humor Just Got A Whole Lot Funnier With Juggin Joe

Author Joseph Yakel presents his own blend of humor and melodrama in this country boy comedy. Offered as a light-hearted, fun adventure with a feel-good edge, Yakel said he was looking to amuse his audience with something a little different. "With Juggin Joe, I wanted to create a funny, but identifiable character, and his own unique 'hook', that would draw readers into his world. Hopefully, I've done that with this comedy adventure, and Joe and the rest of the gang will strike a good chord amongst readers."

Yakel describes "The Legend of Juggin Joe" as an over-the-top fictional humor story that takes place in and around the Town of Westerlo, NY, and centers around the life and times of a hillboy dubbed 'Juggin Joe', for his uncanny musical abilities with the jug. Yakel said, "This book is a country boy comedy/melodrama that I've written in ‘country speak’, which makes the story that much more fun to read. It’s a light-hearted, clean, fun adventure, suitable for all audiences."

Have you ever watched a country movie, and, in a good natured way, tried to imitate the characters' accents and dialogue? Sure you have, and more than likely, you had yourself a good laugh with the trying. Now then, have you ever read a book with such a dialogue? Probably not, and further, you’ve likely never even seen such a book. Until now, that is. After you read ‘The Legend of Juggin Joe’, you’ll be able to respond affirmatively that, not only have you satisfied your longing to fill this heretofore literary void, but that you had a hilariously good time in doing so! Once the rhythm of the dialogue takes root in your mind, you'll actually start thinking and talking like the characters! And that, my friends, is the key that unlocks your door to Joe's world!

As the story begins, you'll laugh at Joe's country ways, and, perhaps, perceive him and the rest of the gang, merely as 'bumpkins'. But, as the comedy-melodrama unfolds, you'll quickly realize that there is more below the surface of that Westerlo topsoil than you had initially suspected. As you wind your way through the chapters, your laughter will gradually shift from being aimed at Joe, and somehow become laughter shared with Joe! By the time you realize that this subtle transformation has occurred, the hook has already been set! All the while, the secrets to unlocking Joe's full potential in the world are slowly revealed.

It's easy to identify with Joe. You'll root him on, share his joy, and feel his pain, as he weathers the storms of life. By the time the book ends, you'll have gained a newfound respect and admiration for Joe, his good-natured antics, and for his unmistakably simple perspective of life. Simply put, Juggin Joe transforms those around him, and brings balance to the world – it’s what he does.

If the grind of everyday life and work is putting you to sleep, worry your troubled heart no more. A remedy is now at hand. Good humor is a powerful antidote to the 'environmental lethargy' weighing you down. So, go ahead and read, "The Legend of Juggin Joe", and count yourself among those who have awaked!

“The Legend of Juggin Joe" * ISBN 1-4116-2588-9 * Pub date: March 2005 * $9.00 paperback * 123 pages *

About the Author:

Among his credits, Joseph Yakel has three books. He describes "The Legend of Juggin Joe" (March 2005) as a 'country boy comedy/melodrama’ delivered with a writing style he dubs 'unconventional’. Joe categorizes his two other works as 'slightly more serious' genealogy books. The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel (December 2004) is a 19th century memoir, and The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book (March 2005) is a family chronology, tracing 350 years of his Rheinish ancestry. First published in 1998, Joe’s articles have appeared in publications such as Communications Technology, The Pipeline, and Army Reserve Magazine.

His articles have also been highlighted on USAWOA Online, USAR Online, and other Internet websites. Previews of his books can be viewed at

Free Ebook Offer: The Story of America: Discovery - Article 2

Just think. If the Vikings had made just that little extra effort to stay on in America when they first arrived just over 1000 years ago then the modern history of not only North America but the whole continent might have started 500 years earlier in 992AD rather than 1492AD.

And that would have meant there would be an extra 500 years of this enthalling history to read; and an extra 500 years of the American dream to follow.

They couldn't have been too far from staying - after all they had already started permanent settlements on both Iceland and Greenland and surely North America must have seemed a pretty attractive proposition compared to either of those cold, inhospitable, barren lands.

Even their own records, their sagas, are full of vivid descriptions of the amazing landscapes across what is nowadays New England, with the sandy beaches, wooded hills and fast-flowing torrents; not to mention the plentiful supplies of salmon, game and wild grapes and the endless forests of timber. And don't forget these were the very same tough, formidable warriors who had already conquered much of England, Ireland and northern France. They were certainly no weaklings!

No, something must have put them off big time, because although both their sagas and modern archaeology confirm that they definitely DID reach North America, by 1002AD, a mere 10 years after their first sighting of the previously unknown land, they had loaded their longships with their possesions and livestock and headed back to Greenland for the last time.

Surely the distance didn't put them off, and the climate would have been much kinder than they were accustomed too in Greenland, Iceland or their native Scandinavia, and we know they had plenty of food and resources.

No, it must have been the Skraelings (the Viking name for the natives - meaning savages) who ended their dream. The very same AmerIndians who were to give the English settlers such a torrid time over 600 years later and who all but spelt the end of English colonization of North America too. It was the Skraelings who forced them to retreat and even put them off any further attempts to return to the great lands to the west.

The Vikings were just too few in numbers and too unprepared to tackle such a ferocious onslaught. They retreated wisely, reasoning that they would be better off as live Vikngs on freezing Greenland than dead Vikings in warm and pleasant America.

Things might have been different, but then..... .

This excerpt is from Discovery - The Story of America by Anthony Treasure. This book is already published in the UK (listed on and is due to be published in the US at a later date. For now it is published as an ebook and as a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Discovery Part One is available to download COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE. Three further titles - Discovery Part Two, Colonization Part One and Colonization Part Two are also out as ebooks and can be bought and downloaded from the website. To claim your free ebook today simply visit

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Book Summary : The E-Myth Revisited

Ever wonder why most small businesses-- no matter how huge effort they put in their endeavor--still fail? Micheal Gerber reveals the answers in this book. Accordingly, the future of small businesses revolve in only three philosophies: the e-myth (entrepreneurial myth), the turn-key revolution, and the business development process.

The E-myth

The e-myth, or the entrepreneurial myth, evolved from one very fatal assumption-- that the success of every business is simply achieved by summing up the following: an entrepreneur's desire to own a business plus the certain amount of capital he puts in plus the knowing the amount of targeted profit.

Little did the entrepreneurs know that this assumption spell DISASTER rather than SUCCESS. Entrepreneurs need to learn to focus more on the business—the people involved in it and the phases it normally undergoes. Knowledge on these can save small businesses from experiencing entrepreneurial seizure—a stage wherein an entrepreneur goes through feeling of exhilaration, exhaustion, and despair.

Small businesses basically consist of three main characters namely: the technician (the doer and builder), the manager (the planner), and the entrepreneur (the dreamer, visionary). Moreover, small businesses have different life phases. These are: infancy (the technician's phase); adolescence (getting some help phase); beyond the comfort zone; and, maturity and the entrepreneurial perspective.

The Turn-key Revolution

As implied by the term itself, Turn-key Revolution speaks of the distinct transformations on the way businesses are managed and should be managed. One very prominent example is the introduction of McDonalds the idea of business format franchise to the business world.

The business format franchise has set dramatic turn around on the future of small businesses. Here, the franchisor entitles the franchisee to owning rights to his entire business system. This format is anchored on the belief that the real product of a business is its sales technique rather than what it sells.

The Business Development Process

The business development process is the response to the unending dynamism of the business world. It equips the entrepreneur with the necessary tools to preempt the continuous changes happening around. The process is comprised of three elemental stages: innovation, quantification and orchestration.

The business development program requires the following aspects to be defined: Your Primary Aim. The owner's primary aim should center on what he really wishes, needs and wants for his life. Defining this will push the owner to pursue his defined entrepreneurial dreams.

Your Strategic Objectives.

This contains standards that help the owner achieve his goals for his business. This should answer the question: What purpose will this serve my primary aim?

Your Organizational Strategy.

Business owners should learn how to appreciate the value of organizational structures. Some points to consider are organizing around personalities, organizing your company, and position contract.

Your Management Strategy.

As the owner you should recognize the truth that the successful implementation of a management strategy is not dependent on the people who could implement it but on the system instead.

Your People Strategy.

This refers to the approach you take towards your people and their work. To make people appreciate the work they do, you should make them understand the idea behind each of their task assignments.

Your Marketing Strategy.

Here is the stage where all attention suddenly shifts from owner to the customer. You set aside your personal goals first and start focusing on the customer's needs.

Your Systems Strategy. There are three kinds of systems in a business: the hard systems, the soft systems and the information systems. The hard systems refer to all those in your business that are inanimate and has no life. The soft systems refer to all those that could be living or inanimate. The information systems are everything else in the business that provides you with data relating to how the two earlier systems interact.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read"
Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers for Busy Executives and Entrepreneurs (c) Copyright 2001- 2005, - Wisdom In A Nutshell

Regine Azurin is the President of, a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.

Book Summary: The Rebel Rules

What does it take to get in touch with your inner rebel and run a business on your terms? Today’s Information Age has spawned a number of rebel business leaders, from Virgin’s Richard Branson to The Body Shop’s Anita Roddick –and to Joie de Vivre Hospitality’s boy wonder – the author himself – people who have the passion, instinct, agility and vision to rewrite the rules of business so it is ethical, respects diversity, and means more to people than simply turning a profit.

So what exactly is a rebel?

1. Rebels get into activities that make them lose track of time and put them in a state of ecstasy.

2. Rebels build a career that is a natural reflection of themselves and follow a natural progression from their most innate childhood skills.

3. Rebels are working at jobs that they put on their list of top ten “favorite future jobs” from their childhood or youth.

4. Rebels are normally not straight A students, they would have been naïve idealists, non-conformists, or artists in their teenage years

5. Rebels are not afraid to fail, quit their jobs, and follow their lifelong passion and true calling.

6. Rebels either become leading experts in their chosen fields, millionaires, or end up in prison.

7. Rebels do not lose their political and social beliefs as they grow older. Their passion for the causes they support will only grow stronger over time.

8. Rebels do not take “No” for an answer. They will always try to find a way or solution.

Rebel Profile

Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group of Companies:

1. Started his first business, a magazine called Student, at the age of 16.

2. Began Virgin mail-order record business at age 20.

3. Built a net worth of $300 million by age 35 with diverse businesses all under the Virgin brand: travel, entertainment, retail, media, financial services, publishing, bridal service, and soft drinks.

4. Sold his music company for $1billion at age 41.

Rebel thinking: Position yourself as the underdog and you will enjoy a niche market.

Create your own personal mission statement.

1. What do you want to be remembered for?

2. What habits do you need to cultivate and what will you remove from your present life in order to live out your true purpose/calling?

3. What are the most important personal accomplishments you can imagine in your life?

4. Take an hour to write your one-page mission statement. Then cut it down to one paragraph. Then simplify it further by saying it all in one sentence. This summarizes your personal mission statement.

How can you tell a Successful rebel?

They have a clear vision. They are highly creative. They are quick to spot trends that can be integrated into their business practices. They feel a higher calling or mission. They are very charismatic and create a strong presence when they walk into a room.

Successful rebels have passion. They are able to unite a diverse team made up of people from different backgrounds, rallying together to build a unique business and company culture.

Their passion comes out naturally because they are great storytellers and communicators. They listen to people carefully.

Successful rebels possess high integrity and trustworthiness. They are the epitome of grace under pressure, they stand up for their beliefs despite popular thinking.

Successful rebels are lifelong learners. They are also good teachers.

They are resourceful enough to find solutions and fix situations. They know how to negotiate deals and have all parties to the deal come away satisfied.

Successful rebels are agile enough to spring into action when necessary, and seem to be “Open 24 hours”. They have boundless energy, and like a Quarterback, moves the ball across the field and gets the job done.

Successful rebels are amazing networkers, multi-taskers, and are very driven individuals who do not easily get distracted from their goals.

Successful rebels follow their companies core values, and “walk their talk”.

Successful rebels know how to keep their employees happy. They give them intangible benefits like high self-esteem, rewards for achievements, and a positive working environment.

Successful rebels inspire their employees to think like business owners. Open-book management, popularized by Jack Stack, is a way of sharing financial information in a fun, educational format to make employees understand how their work earns for the business. You can be sure that when you explain clearly how tardiness affects the bottom line, affecting everyone’s mid-year bonus, employees will start showing up earlier for work.

A few ideas on how to make employees think like entrepreneurs:

1. Post the critical numbers on a scoreboard in a fun, visual format.

2. Conduct basic financial training and develop strategies for making an impact.

3. Review the success of those strategies and “best practices”.

4. Play a game with a critical number and make it the goal-of-the-month or something.

5. Set up a reward bonus system and give recognition as often as possible.

6. Communicate the results throughout your organization.

7. Ask new employees to comment on the company’s business practices after their first 30 days.

8. Have a brainstorming party or game with prizes for the best ideas

9. Have managers visit competitors and gather after a week to compare notes.

10. Have regular meetings with frontline staff to wring out all the information they learn.

11. Give your managers a free subscription to the industry magazine.

12. Study a role model company or a competitor, you could all go on a retreat or buy managers a copy of the role model company’s literature.

13. Write a book with funny stories about how your company serves its customers.

Rebels encourage creativity and individuality within their own companies. They allow themselves and their employees enough free time for a life outside of work, for leisure and recreation.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers and More! BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001-2005,

Regine Azurin is the President of a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Book Summary: Secrets of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Spread the word about your hot new product or company!

Word-of-mouth marketing is the most powerful and persuasive weapon you can use, and it won’t cost you anything! Based on George Silverman’s years of consulting with successful word-of-mouth campaigns of his own clients, here is one of the first resources on how to harness the often underestimated power of word-of-mouth, and be heard above the media noise.

1. Word-of-mouth is actually the center of the marketing universe.

2. Just as it is untrue that the sun revolves around the earth, marketing does not really revolve around advertising, selling, and promotions. Much of marketing actually centers around illusion-creation.

3. Word-of-mouth offers an authenticity to it because the source is normally independent of the company, he or she is offering his or her own candid opinion and therefore, the marketing appears credible.

4. Advertising is the renting of a medium to send out a carefully crafted message to a specific audience. Everything is paid for, whereas word-of-mouth is a more effective tool; and best of all, it is absolutely free.

5. Word-of-mouth can take on a life of its own. There are no limits to how far-reaching it can be. Just study how fast a good joke on the e-mail circulates.

6. Studies have shown that a satisfied customer will tell an average of three people about a product or service she likes, and eleven people about a product or service with which she had a negative experience.

7. Because this is the age of the Internet, e-mail, websites, chat rooms, and video teleconferencing, word-of-mouth is even more important to businesses today than ever before.

8. The most important way by which sales can increase is by increasing the speed with which decisions are made. Decision speed is the time it takes for your customer to go from initial awareness to enthusiastic use and recommendation of your product or service. Simplicity, ease, and fun govern the decision process.

9. Marketing success is determined more by the time it takes for your customer to decide on your product than by any other single factor. Decision speed is more powerful than positioning, image, value, customer satisfaction, guarantees, or even product superiority.

10. Shortening the customer’s decision cycle means your product’s benefits, claims, and promises must be obvious and compelling; information must be clear, balanced, and credible; comparisons must reveal meaningful differences, your trials should be free and easy, your evaluations, clear and simple. Guarantees should be ironclad and generous. Testimonials and other word-of-mouth marketing must be relevant and believable. Delivery, training, and support offered must be superior.

11. A good way to spread the word on your company is to circulate true, positive stories about it. FedEx is famous for its legendary employee who hired a chopper just to deliver a package forgotten on the tarmac. People love a good story, and that is the essence of word of mouth.

12. There are 9 levels of word-of-mouth. They range from the public scandal of minus 4, the product boycott of minus 3, to the raving customers/advocates who tell you how great your product or service is (plus 3) to the “talk of the town” level (plus 4).

13. Examples of those who have reached plus 4 level of word-of-mouth marketing are:

14. Lexus Automobiles, Saturn Car Company, Harley-Davidson, Netscape Navigator, Celestial seasonings herbal tea, The Internet, and Apple Computer.

15. Some ways of harnessing word of mouth are by using experts like customers, suppliers, salespeople, experts’ roundtable discussions and selling groups. Take advantage of seminars, workshops, and speaking engagements, dinner meetings, teleconferenced panel discussions, and trade shows. “Canned” Word of Mouth consists of putting out videotapes, audiotapes, using a well-designed website, or distributing CDs. There are also ways such as referral selling programs, testimonials, and networking methods, hotlines (1-800 numbers) and e-mail.

16. Using traditional media for Word of Mouth means using customer service as a word-of-mouth engine, public relations, placements, unusual events, promotions, word of mouth in ads, sales brochures, or direct mail, salesperson programs, sales stars, peer training, or using salespeople as word-of-mouth generators, word-of-mouth incentive programs (“Tell-a-friend” programs), useful gifts to customers (articles, how-to manuals) that they can give their friends.

17. Employees should be actively spreading word of mouth about your products. Spread stories around about examples of superior customer service. Give people a common mission and make rewards dependent on the accomplishment of that mission.

18. Word of mouth accelerates the process of customer decision-making, from deciding to decide, asking for information, weighing options, evaluating a free trial, and then finally becoming a customer and advocate.

19. With customer-oriented service, your company can increase sales via word of mouth.

Specific steps in creating a word of mouth campaign:

1. Find some way to get the product into the hands of key influencers.

2. Provide a channel for the influencers to talk and get all fired up about your product.

3. Gather testimonials and endorsements, like actual letters of praise.

4. Form an ongoing group that meets once a year in a resort but once a month by teleconference or daily by list group

5. Create fun events to bring users together and invite non-users. Saturn, Harley-Davidson, and Lexus have been successful with this approach.

6. Produce cassettes, videotapes, and clips on your Web site featuring enthusiastic customers talking with other enthusiastic customers. Custom-create some CDs for each potential customer.

7. Conduct seminars and workshops

8. Create a club with membership benefits

9. Pass out flyers. Tell friends. Offer special incentives and discounts for friends who tell their friends.

10. Use the Internet!

11. Do at least one outrageous thing to generate word of mouth.

12. Empower employees to go the extra mile.

13. Network and brainstorm for ideas

14. Run special sales

15. Script! Tell people exactly what to say in their word of mouth communication.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla href=" "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers and More! BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001-2005,

Regine Azurin is the President of a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.

Book Summary: How To Work With Just About Anyone

“I just can't seem to get along with this person!”

Every office has that one difficult person to work with, who affects productivity due to a terrible attitude, chronic tardiness, or simply drives everyone else up the wall. Here is the answer to common problems in conflict management. Dealing with negative behavior, whether at work or at home, can be solved with three steps:

Get to the heart of the matter.

Determine what problem-solving methods to avoid so you don't perpetuate the conflict.

Choose a different, surprising approach to solve the problem and keep it solved.

Finally, here is your key to some peace and sanity in the workplace, drawn from forty years of research and professional experience in consulting on the prevention and management of nonproductive behavior.

How difficult behavior is reinforced:

People use the same solution that never brings new results. The answer is to try something radically different. Employ a totally new approach and choose your response carefully.

Why we fail to change negative behavior:

1. We are caught in the web of our own logic.

2. We don't realize we are doing the same things over and over.

3. We can't think of anything better to try.

This three-question formula can lead you to a new strategy:

1. What is the primary problem? Be specific. How exactly does it affect productivity?

2. What have you been doing about your problem so far? Identify the logic of your favorite solution.

3. What do you need to do instead? You need to undo what your ineffective solution did. Attack with a brand new set of weapons.

Focus on the facts. Figure out what the heart of the matter is:

1. List all the issues affecting you.

2. Decide which issue or who in particular is bothering you the most.

3. Encircle the issue or person's name on your list.

4. Focus on what you circled. List all the things that bother you about this person.

5. Now pick the problem to work on. If you could only fix one item on the list, and had to live with all the others, what would you choose?

6. Then with the particular problem chosen, spell out specifically: Who is doing what that presents a problem, to whom, and how is this behavior a problem?

The 4 ways to get bogged down in “whys” and therefore confused by superfluous issues:

1. Focusing on possible reasons for someone's behavior

2. Speculating about what the person is up to

3. Labeling behavior instead of describing it

4. Worrying about who is right or wrong

Use reverse psychology!

1. Do something unexpected. Sometimes shock tactics or being brutally honest works.

2. Encourage the person to keep doing what it is that is irritating behavior. It is strange but encouraging people to continue their irritating behavior gets them to stop it.

3. Have fun experimenting with your new approaches!

4. Tell someone not to change what he is doing.

5. Create consequences or let the natural consequences of his negative behavior occur.

6. Urge someone to do the annoying actions even more

New Conflict Management Techniques

1. Do not offer a long list of reasons why someone should change. Simply tell them what needs to be done. The more you rationalize or argue the more they will resist. You will be wasting time and energy.

2. In the face of constant criticism, silently take note of what is being said, then read the notes back – instead of actively defending each point.

3. Make statements (“Unless it creates a problem for you, I'm going to do X”)

4. Give a specific compliment to the other party in a conflict. (“I like the way you presented your report – your lineup of facts made it easy to follow”) It catches them off-guard and makes him/her less defensive.

5. Excuse yourself for a minute in the midst of a heated discussion to go to the toilet instead of escalating the argument.

6. Hold back for thirty minutes instead of rushing to fix a problem for someone else.

Other “happy workplace” tips:

1. Keep an open mind about why the person behaves in such a manner.

2. See both sides of the situation, not just yours.

3. Be very specific when analyzing the problem. Make a mental videotape of the behavior.

4. Notice when it isn't happening. Understand why. You may have overlooked something you did that didn't result in the other person's annoying behavior.

5. Find someone with immunity and see how he or she successfully handles the troublesome behavior that you're struggling with.

By: Regine P. Azurin and Yvette Pantilla "A Lot Of Great Books....Too Little Time To Read" Free Book Summaries Of Latest Bestsellers and More! BusinessSummaries is a service.

(c) Copyright 2001-2005,

Regine Azurin is the President of a company that provides business book summaries of the latest bestsellers for busy executives and entrepreneurs.